Food & Baking
Discover our collection of inspiring books about food and baking, filled with genuine recipes and traditions. Here you will find everything from classic Swedish pastries and homemade delicacies to modern interpretations of traditional dishes. Perfect for those who want to offer something extra or learn more about sustainable cooking with natural ingredients. Our cookbooks guide you through everything from the basics of sourdough baking to nature-inspired cooking – a source of both culinary experiences and knowledge!

23 products
- Norstedts förlag
Min Barndoms Jul - Christmas Cookbook
In stockSEK 329 - NewOrdalaget Bokförlag
Traditions Suédoise
In stockSEK 259 - Bokförlaget Arena
Fisk: Recept, Vett Och Värt Att Veta
In stockSEK 299 Ost: Hantverket & Recepten
In stockSEK 329- Bladh by Bladh
Blomster & Bakverk
In stockSEK 249 - Natur & Kultur
In stockSEK 299 - NewOrdalaget Bokförlag
Svenska Traditioner
In stockSEK 259 Simply swedish - recipes from north to south
In stockSEK 349- Out of stockBonnier Fakta
Bröd, Bröd, Bröd
Out of stockSEK 159 Mjöl Sébastien Boudet
In stockSEK 279Lagom svenskt - recept från norr till söder
In stockSEK 349- Kakao Förlag
Konsten Att Fika
In stockSEK 249 - Bokförlaget Semic
Husman – Från Lättlagat Till Lyx
In stockSEK 329 - NewTrangia
Trangia The Outdoor Cookbook English
In stockSEK 109 - NewNatur & Kultur
Porridge: Breakfast, Savoury & Sweet
In stockSEK 299 - Natur & Kultur
In stockSEK 299 - Natur & Kultur
Kocken och Fiskaren
In stockSEK 329 - Natur & Kultur
Plocka Tång Och Strandväxter
In stockSEK 299 - NewBonnier Fakta
Billiga Veckan
In stockSEK 169 - NewOrdalaget Bokförlag
Best of Sweden
In stockSEK 249 - Out of stockNewTrangia
Trangia En utomhuskokbok Svenska
Out of stockSEK 109 - Norstedts förlag
Fika - The Swedish way
In stockSEK 179 - Norstedts förlag
Sju Sorters Kakor
In stockSEK 209